Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Warm Bamboo Massage Sticks

Now is the perfect time of year to add a new tool to your massage bag. 8 bamboo massage tools, that is!

By adding warm bamboo massage to your menu, you can increase revenue, work more easily and have more returning clients.

Everyone loves the warmth that the Bamboo-fusion massage sticks provides. You heat the solid bamboo tools in a commercial grade heater until they're perfectly warm throughout. Easy to clean, easy to heat.

I no longer sell Bamboo-fusion tools. Please visit www.bamboofusion.com to order.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Solid Bamboo massage sticks

Are you a massage therapist looking to lengthen your massage career by learning something that will set you above the rest of the crowd?

Last night I did chair massage for a "Ladies' Night Out" event. There were a couple of Thai therapists and 4 other chair massage therapist. I brought along my Bamboo-fusion solid bamboo massage tools and heated them up to do chair massage.

Warm bamboo massage was certainly a hit, and I was the only one doing it! I passed out a lot of cards for those women who are interested in trying a Bamboo-fusion table massage.

You can actually buy the tools online at www.BambooMassageTools.Info if you don't have time to take a class. The bamboo sticks come in a set of 8 tools and an educational DVD is provided as well. We offer free shipping in the US.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bamboo massage tools

Looking for some bamboo massage tools? I now have a site specifically designed solely those who are interested in finding out more about using solid bamboo massage sticks.
Check out www.BambooMassageTools.info for photographs of bamboo-fusion massage tools and educational DVDs.

I also have my regular site for those who are interested in taking class.