Friday, March 11, 2011

Bamboo-fusion (R) Massage Class

On our 2nd day of the wonderful warm massage called Bamboo-fusion. It's a small class for continuing education for massage therapists--we never have more than 10 therapists in class.

Why learn bamboo-fusion massage? Because:
  • It feels great to give and receive.
  • Can save the therapist's massage career.
  • Can enable the massage therapists to give longer massages more easily.
  • Bamboo-fusion massage allows the massage therapist to work deeper more easily and with less effort.
  • Bamboo is sustainable. It grows quickly and can easily be replaced.
  • Bamboo-fusion massage is both therapeutic as well as relaxing.
This class will be over today, but I will have another class in Cincinnati in May. So whether you need massage CEUs or simply want to learn something new, this may be the massage class for you. has more information on this 16 CE massage therapy class. Cost is $399, and the tools and DVDs are included!