Saturday, December 4, 2010

No brainer!

Are you a massage therapist in need of attracting new clients? Tired of hurting yourself doing deep tissue massages? Live in an area where clients would love for you to melt away their tension and knots (isn't that every LMT?)?

Then taking our bamboo-fusion class is a no brainer. Spend two days of hands on (receive for 3 hours a day!) learning to treat your clients to one of the most therapeutic and relaxing massages they may have ever had. Learn to work the fascia, loosen tight muscles and reduce therapist strain in this amazing 16 CEU class for the massage therapist who wants to work smarter.

Conveniently, I have a space available in my class next week on Thursday and Friday in Cincinnati. The cost of the bamboo massage class is $399 and includes the bamboo tools as well as the educational DVD. has more information about the details!

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