Monday, November 24, 2008

To be thankful...

This time of year causes us to reflect on the things in life we are thankful for. At our annual Thanksgiving dinner (with 20 adults and 20 plus children this year), we always go around the table indivually and each mention something(s) that we appreciate. Although I usually mention my wonderful family, here are some work related things that give joy:

  • The opportunity to teach Ashiatsu and Bamboo-fusion to students. The look of joy on the students' faces when they finally figure out how to do the technique properly is truely priceless.
  • My clients. I love stories from my elderly clients (ages 80-94) about the way life was back when.
  • The appreciation from my clients when they tell me they don't know how they could live without me.
  • Knowing that I make people feel better, oftentimes both emotionally and physically. The clients sometimes just need time to vent, and I can listen to them without judgement.
  • Doing work that I really love. There is not much work-wise that places higher on my list than doing and teaching massage.
  • My flexible schedule. It allows me to take my girls to dance lessons and take vacations (albeit unpaid!) whenever I so choose.

I would encourage all to think about the things in life that bring them joy and reflect on, no matter how rotten life seems sometime, that there really is much to be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

2009 classes listed

Bamboo-fusion 2009 classes are now listed on my website, Classes are 2 days, and the next one in Cincinnati is scheduled for January 29-30 (Thursday-Friday).

Hope to see you there!

Denver class a "go"

The December 4-6 Barefoot Basics and December 7 Anterior/Side-lying class in Denver are definitely a "go".

Class descriptions and photos can be found at

Monday, November 17, 2008

info massage classes

I now have a new website name attached to my website. It's .

Friday, November 14, 2008

class photos of Bamboo-fusion class

I added a bunch of photos of my most recent class to the website today. The link is if you want to take a look!

Bamboo Massage

Many therapists use tools during a massage. And why not? Frequently, the thumbs, wrists and forearms give up long before the spirit to end massage does. The problem is that the therapist usually can't palpate through tools. Plus, they are typically only room temperature, which feels cold to the client.

Enter bamboo tools. We heat them in a heating pad prior to the massage and rotate the use of the tools. This enables the bamboo to stay warm throughout the massage. Surprisingly, it's not terribly difficult to palpate through the fused bamboo sticks.

End result: the clients love the feeling of the massage as well as the results, and the therapist has given a super massage without hurting him/herself!

My website, has more info about bamboo classes. Check out the Bamboo Classes tab.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bamboo class in January

I've scheduled my next Bamboo-fusion class for January 29-30, 2009. It's a Thursday and Friday and will be held at my studio in Cincinnati.

Class information can be found at

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bamboo and Ashiatsu working together

I have a client that I regularly do aggressive Ashiatsu on. He has found that it is the only modality that relieves the physical stress that comes with his job.

On Saturday, he pointed out a picture that I had with a bamboo tool in use on a client. He pondered if that may help get into smaller trigger points. So I heated up the bamboo tools and started off with Ashiatsu.

After about 15 minutes, when the bamboo tools were nice and warm, I started using those and combining the strokes with Ashiatsu. What a great combination! He felt really "worked over" when he left, and I made sure that he took his bottle of water with him.

Don't forget that, especially when you do deep tissue work on a client, that they need to drink lots of water afterwards. I make sure my clients get a 16 oz bottle to take with them.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bamboo class in January?

I'm thinking of scheduling a bamboo-fusion class in January at my Cincinnati office. Let me know if you have class dates that will work for you.

It's a two day class and can be scheduled any two subsequent days of the week. has more information.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Our Town

Ok, this is totally unrelated to my usual blogs, but I'm just a little pleased with myself. My Bachelor of Arts is in Theatre and Film, so basically I worked as a restaurant manager until I discovered a new love. Massage therapy, that is.

Working in the restaurant business as well as doing massage in the evenings isn't conducive to the theatre life, when most rehearsals are in the evening. But since I've been completely in charge of my own schedule now (thank you loyal clients), my schedule is much more flexible.

Compound that with 2 children old enough to babysit, and violá, time to audition for a play.

I happily received the role of Mrs. Louella Soames, the town gossip, in the play Our Town by Thornton Wilder. Opening night is this Thursday, and it runs Thursday - Sunday for the next 3 weeks. The play takes place at the Covedale Center for the Performing Arts on Glenway Avenue in Cincinnati.

In the theatre, we say, "Break a leg!" on opening night. Of course, if I really broke a leg, I'd be in big trouble. But it means "good luck." So break a leg, Mike Fielder (the director), and to the cast and crew as well!

By the way, my teaching schedule is on I'm thinking of January for my next Bamboo class.