Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bamboo and Ashiatsu working together

I have a client that I regularly do aggressive Ashiatsu on. He has found that it is the only modality that relieves the physical stress that comes with his job.

On Saturday, he pointed out a picture that I had with a bamboo tool in use on a client. He pondered if that may help get into smaller trigger points. So I heated up the bamboo tools and started off with Ashiatsu.

After about 15 minutes, when the bamboo tools were nice and warm, I started using those and combining the strokes with Ashiatsu. What a great combination! He felt really "worked over" when he left, and I made sure that he took his bottle of water with him.

Don't forget that, especially when you do deep tissue work on a client, that they need to drink lots of water afterwards. I make sure my clients get a 16 oz bottle to take with them.

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