Friday, February 13, 2009

Appreciation for a good massage therapist

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and a lot of massage therapists are dreading the 9-5. I'm not really sure why people feel the need to show their love only on one "special" day of the year (or 2, if you count Sweetest Day). But they do, so many massage therapists are busy.

Which, of course, is good for the bottom dollar. But the problem is that many LMTs do 6-8 or more hours of massage just on this day alone. As a client, you're better off getting a massage before noon! As a therapist, we try to give each client the same quality massage, whether it's the first or the ninth of the day.

Last year I did 7 hours of hands on couples' massage on Valentine's Day, something I don't care to repeat. See, I'm not used to the hands on any more. I do deep tissue with my feet. My wrists and forearms felt like liverwurst at the end of the day.

But the clients loved their massages. And so to you hard working massage therapists, know that your clients do appreciate you, and hopefully, they'll compensate you for a job well done.

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