Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Undressing to comfort level

When I was in massage school, the teachers told us that our clients should undress to their comfort level. Looking back at my first massage, though, when the therapist told me that, I didn't have a clue. How did I know what I was comfortable with when nobody had ever given me a massage before?

First time clients are often nervous enough as it is. If you tell them WHY they should undress a certain way, that will make sense to them. For instance, if you want to work skin-on-skin on a certain area, you can tell them that it'll feel much better, that your flow will be smoother and that you can be more accurate.

Or you can say, "If you take off such and such, I won't have to worry about getting créme on it. I know I hate when that happens."

I think that makes your massage easier and gives the client an additional level of comfort.


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